Monday, January 14, 2013


Jag har idag äntligen blivit helt klar med ett fårskinn från i fjol. Har kämpat med att hitta ett sätt att rengöra det på så att det inte ska vara så fett och lukta illa. Jag satt i går kväll och kardade ut alla lockarna på fällen och sedan tvättade jag det ordentligt för femte gången i såpa. Äntligen fick jag bort gräs, fett och lukt från fällen. Tyvärr förstördes lädret en hel del, men om jag bara har det som prydnad så funkar det nog ändå.

Adezza, som ska ha kattungar om två veckor, verkade i alla fall uppskatta den nya fällen. Hon ligger så sött och sover på den.


Last year I kept a sheepskin from one of my young rams. I have been doing my best to make it pretty and usable, but I was struggling with lots of vegetable matter and lanolin. I don't have anywhere to properly wash the skin so I had to use the shower. It was never enough and no matter how I did I couldn't get rid of the smell and the lanolin. But yesterday I finally decided to card the entire thing. I knew I would loose the nice locks, but I was hoping to get rid of the vegetable matter that was stuck and that it would be easier to get clean.

Fortunately I was right and the sheepskin turned out beautifully, and with a lot less vegetable matter and a nice smell it can finally come inside the house. The downside to my treatment to the skin is that I severely damaged the leather and managed to make it really weak with lots of holes. I guess I have washed it a few times too many. But for decoration it still works and for next time I know how to clean it better. Should get a tub or something for next time though, think that would be much better though.

My cat Adezza, who is also pregnant and are expecting kittens in two weeks, seems to enjoy the sheepskin while her daughter Mi-Ra likes it better on the blanket.

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